Rabu 02 Dec 2015 21:03 WIB

PT Pos Indonesia to launch mobile pospay in 2016

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
An office of PT Pos Indonesia in Padang, West Sumatra (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Iggoy el Fitra
An office of PT Pos Indonesia in Padang, West Sumatra (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Pos Indonesia would encourage the use of non-cash transactions through application of Mobile Pospay (M-Pospay). M-Pospay would enable the users to make various payments or transactions.

"M-Pospay will be launhced to the market in 2016," said Corporate secretary of PT Pos Indonesia, Amrizal, Tuesday (1/12).

Amrizal explained, the development of M-Pospay was done by PT Pos Indonesia. However, PT Pos Indonesia was also establishing cooperation to various banks, so that transactions in M-Pospay can later be serve through debit and credit.

Read: Central Bank to promote e-money transaction in 2015

So far, he added, Pospay payment system was already applied internally. The Pospay account owner must perform the top up manually at the post office to fill the Pospay account. However, if cooperation with the bank could be established, then the top-up process could be done directly in the bank without need to come to post office .

Amrizal stated, M-Pospay could not only be used to make payments of billing and electricity in mobile system. This application could also be utilized by e-commerce companies for buy and sell transactions.

"Later they can save (money) in M-Pospay, then they will no longer need cash payments," Amrizal added.

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