Jumat 03 Nov 2017 14:43 WIB

ITB marine expert says reclamation will make Jakarta drown

Rep: Singgih Wiryono, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Reclamation islet, Jakarta bay. The photograph was taken on September 23, 2016.
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
Reclamation islet, Jakarta bay. The photograph was taken on September 23, 2016.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Marine science expert at the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Muslim Muin asserted, construction of Jakarta bay reclamation should not be resumed. He said, the reason that reclamation needed for the construction of Giant Sea Wall (GSW) or the big wall to prevent flood was not 100 percents true.

"There is no flood threat from the sea, otherwise the flood thereat come from the land," Muslim said on Thursday (Nov 2).

Muslim remarked, the development of reclamation islets would exacerbate the frequent floods in Jakarta. Also, reclamation islets would close outflood access from upstream to downstream rivers in Jakarta to release water to the sea.

Therefore, he assessed reclamation islets were not a solution to prevent flood in Jakarta. Muslim agreed if Jakarta's bay reclamation project to be stopped immediately.

Also read: Reclamation's fate is in Jakarta governor's hands: Kalla

"So reclamation will not protect Jakarta, but it will make Jakarta drown," he added.

Further more, Muslim also agreed if Jakarta provincial government manage existing reclaimed three islets. 

"I assess, reclaimed islets should be occupied by fishermen because they are the one who suffered disadvantages with reclamation project. It could be mixed with tourism, but not shophouse (ruko). It should be reviewed and modelled," Muslim explained.

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