Kamis 24 Jan 2013 22:39 WIB

Judge: Dismissal of Regent Aceng is final

Garut Regent Aceng M Fikri (file photo)
Foto: Republika/Amri Rachman Dzulfikri
Garut Regent Aceng M Fikri (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PURWOKERTO - A Supreme Court judge Supandi said the decision of the Supreme Court favoring dismissal of Garut Regent Aceng M Fikri was final. Earlier, the Supreme Court favored a decision of the district legislative assembly demanding the dismissal of the regent on charge of breaching ethical code and law regulations. 

Aceng stole the headline late last year when her young wife reported to the authority she was divorced after being married just four days. Aceng told his wife of his divorce decision through cellular phone short message text and he was quoted as saying he divorced his wife as she was found no longer a virgin.  

Supandi said last night a public official should respect the court decision, adding no way of overturning the decision. He was asked to comment on plan by Aceng and his lawyers to sue the Supreme Court and the Home Affairs Ministry demanding a compensation of 5 trillion IDR for the decision.

Home Affairs Minister Gamawam Fauzi has also called for Aceng dismissal. Supandi said the court decision could not be immediately executed as the Garut legislative assembly has yet to secure the presidential approval.

The court decision give legal basis for the legislative assembly to demand the dismissal of the regent, he said. The Garut legislative assembly decided on 21 December 2012 that Aceng breached ethical code and the law regulation and recommended dismissal of the regent.




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