Rabu 15 Jun 2016 17:09 WIB

Calling for the dissolution of KNPB

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Recently, the issue of Papua has been massively raised up by number of groups whose goals are self-determination for Papua – or West Papua as they said - which is considered as the most determinant step toward the independence of Papua. The groups such as National Committee for West Papua (KNPB) and its under-bow at student level, Papua Students Alliance (AMP) have carried out various actions and demonstrations in some regions in Indonesia, in order to internationalize the issue. By doing so consistently, they believe that international attentions as well as domestic support from indigenous Papua would be attained.

The people of Papua, however, have responded differently to the campaign of separating Papua from The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. There have even been rejections against those activist groups, since their actions considered as merely for personal political and economic interest. In recent weeks, KNPB has been put on the spot and been accused to be a group causing violations and disharmony in the land of Papua. Some even more picture KNPB as a violent group thus would never support its action or campaign to “sale” Papua issue. Furthermore, there have been aspirations of repelling KNPB from Papua in order to preserve peace and harmony in the “small paradise that fell to earth” as The President Joko Widodo describe the beauty of Papua.

Barisan Merah Putih (BMP), a Civil Society Organization in Central Mountains of Papua for instance, held a peaceful demonstration to resist the KNPB referendum campaign in front of Jayawijaya Regent Office at Yos Sudarso Street, Wamena District, on Friday afternoon (05/27/2016). Hundreds of BMP members carried banners that read the call to fight KNPB, such as “Disband KNPB, that breaks Unity and Tricking Papuan”, “Stop deceiving people of Papua” and “Stop damaging Papuans, We don’t want Freedom from Ignorance”. Salmon Walilo, the Chairman of BMP stated that KNPB movement is a wild action. He said, “KNPB has unsettled students and threatened their future, therefore the BMP calling for dissolution of KNPB”.

The demand for dissolution of KNPB was also voiced out by hundreds of Indigenous Papuans in Merauke, who gathered in the center of the city in Tugu Pepera, on Saturday, 28 May 2016. Anti-KNPB People, the name given to the movement, carried out a public demonstration to protest the existence of KNPB as well as its whole activities in the Land of Papua, particularly in Merauke. In a number of banners carried along, one of them was written, “Instead of developing Papua, KNPB teaches us how to ruin Papua land.” Some of the statements delivered in their oration are demanding the Police to take a firm action toward minor groups such as KNPB and United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as well as to conduct a legal process on those who use symbols forbidden by the state according to the Government Regulation Number 77 year 2007. The protesters also urged the people of Merauke should not be provoked by the issue of Papua’s Independence created by irresponsible parties as up until today.

It seems like the people of Papua have realized that the massive movement of KNPB in recent time is nothing but merely for a personal interest and the interest of particular groups. KNPB aspiration to support for ULMWP bid for full membership at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) for example, is believed nothing to do with the tough life struggled by all Papuans today. The government on the other hand, is now working hard to develop Papua with progressive infrastructure developing projects across the Cendrawasih Land.

Thus, it is well understood if People of Papua is now widely calling for the dissolution of KNPB and rejecting its existence in their city/district. KNPB’s influence has also been “poisoning” Papuan generation by creating a group like Papua Students Alliance (Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua / AMP). This is why some college students who attend the rally in Merauke accused KNPB has carried the name of students for the interest of KNPB. In fact, they believe that KNPB only breaks the unity of and makes a fool of the Papuan generation, as KNPB have done to AMP.

*) Postgraduate International Relations Department at University of Indonesia, a Researcher in Menara Institute

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