Senin 25 Nov 2013 16:05 WIB

Here are six thoughts of Yudhoyono on culture and development

Rep: Esthi Maharani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Presiden SBY saat membuka KTT APEC 2013.
Foto: AP Photo/Wong Maye-E
Presiden SBY saat membuka KTT APEC 2013.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA -- President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) shared his ideas and experiences about the culture of Indonesia in World Culture Forum (WCF), Monday (25/11).

Before the 2013 WCF participants, Yudhoyono revealed his six ideas about culture and development.

First, he said, economic progress must be balanced with the preservation of the environment. So, it required a system of values and traditions that promote environmental sustainability.

"We have to maintain a system that developed in indigenous communities and environmental management practices to encourage ecological sustainability," he said.

He called Bali that for centuries; the population has adopted Tri Hita Karana philosophy. It's a philosophy that saw harmony among humans and between humans and the environment, as well as human and God the Creator.

Secondly, inclusive culture was a critical point for sustainable development with equity.

"It is important for us to integrate an inclusive culture into development and programs policies at all levels. Idea of inclusive also must involve the participation and contribution of local and traditional communities in Indonesia, they are known as 'indigenous peoples'."

Third, women's participation was important to improve inclusiveness and sustainable development with equity. He cited First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, who had a unique habit inherited from his father; to plant a tree every time on her birthday.

He said, Indonesian Women's Association has developed a new tradition to plant millions of trees every year. They did it simultaneously throughout Indonesi. At the national level, the President also directly led a similar campaign of planting one billion trees.

"I believe that by planting one billion trees every year, in the next 20-30 years, Indonesia will turn out to be a greener country," he said.

Yudhoyono expected his efforts would produce a new culture; a culture of planting trees for future generations.

Fourth, culture could be a source of revenue, create jobs, and foster entrepreneurship.

According to a UN report, the cultural and creative industry was one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy.

In Asia, for example, the growth rate reached 9.7 percent, 13.9 percent in Africa, and 17.6 percent in the Middle East; South America reached 11.9 percent, Oceania 6.9 percent, and 4.3 percent in North and Central America.

Fifth, social development required order and stability.

Therefore, he added, maintaining a culture of peace was essential to achieve sustainable development.

Sixth, cooperation between countries should give priority to the issue of culture and development.

"I hope this forum will help us better appreciate the relationship between culture and sustainable development. I also hope this forum will help us in shaping the policy and strategy of sustainable development, with culture as a driving force," Yudhoyono said.

Ed: Mansyur Faqih

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