Selasa 26 Nov 2013 15:00 WIB

Yogyakarta faces teacher shortage

Rep: Nina Ridarineni/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Mahasiswa IPB yang tergabung dalam komunitas IPB Mengajar
Foto: sani-atu.blogspot
Mahasiswa IPB yang tergabung dalam komunitas IPB Mengajar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Head of Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) in Yogyakarta, Zaenal Fanani expressed that Yogyakarta might face teacher shortage. It estimated shortage of one thousand teachers in each district and city or reached five thousands teachers for all Yogyakarta.

"If it is not addressed well, it will be a danger to national education. Shortage can cause a teacher educator has double duties, so that educational results will not be optimal," Fanani said recently.

A teacher has to have qualification of Bachelor and not just anyone who can be a teacher. Even in 2015, there will be more  teacher shortage in districts and cities in Yogyakarta. 

Fanani said that teacher shortage problem was due to regulation of central government, which prohibited a civil servant in an area to receive more than 50 percent of budget allocated for personnel expenses. Teacher in Yogyakarta also face other problems, such as from Education and Training Center for Professional Teacher, teacher must teach 24 hours, also problem of main data of educators.

2013 Educational Curriculum is still a problem as it wants to change paradigm model of teacher in front of class. The fact, many teachers confuse about its implementation. Therefore, Fanani suggested the need to increase quality of teachers with training and workshops. 

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