Kamis 06 Feb 2014 22:47 WIB

Govt prepares 300 thousand doses of bird flu vaccine

Rep: Amri Amrullah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Many bird flu cases usually occur after flood. (Illustration)
Many bird flu cases usually occur after flood. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKALONGAN - Ministry of Agriculture prepares 300 thousand bird flu vaccines to help flood affected poultry farmers in Central Java. 

"Many bird flu cases usually occur after floods, lso we provide its vaccines in large quantity," Minister of Agriculture, Suswono explained in a dialoq with farmers at Degayu, Pekalongan, Central Java, on Wednesday.

The minister held a coordinating meeting with five regional heads of Ministry of Agriculture. He asked them to write report on damaged fields or farmers' losses caused by floods along northern coast area of Java. Regents and mayors in affected areas must respond to farmers' need of seeds.

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