Selasa 11 Feb 2014 14:11 WIB

Status of Mount Kelud Rises to Third Level

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Gunung Kelud
Foto: ap
Gunung Kelud

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has risen the status of Mount Kelud from Advisory (second level) to Watch (third level) on Monday.

"Following the increase of the volcanic activities of Mount Kelud, its status has been risen, by the Volcanology and Geology Disaster Mitigation Center, to Watch," BNBP spokesman Nugroho Sutopo stated.

He warned mountain climbers, tourists and the public in general not to go to the mountain's top.

The increased volcanic activities have been indicated by, among other things, a number of shallow and deep volcanic quakes as well as high temperature of water in the Mount Kelud's crater.

Under the Watch status, the area within a radius of two kilometers from the volcano's top is considered dangerous because of hot clouds, toxic gas, lava and ashes.

"There is no human settlement within the radius of two kilometers," he confirmed.

He reminded the people, approximately 100 in number, living within the radius of five kilometers from the mountain's top to be on an alert, always, of intensified volcanic activities.

Earlier, the East Java regional disaster mitigation agency (BPBD) prepared contingency plans along with the local administration and other concerned parties following the rise of the activity status of Mount Kelud.

"This is part of preventive efforts after the volcano's activity status was upgraded from normal to alert yesterday," head of East Java BPBD Sudharman clarified when asked about the issue on February 3.

The contingency plans are used as a reference for readiness exercises and for programs to deal with during emergencies.

He noted that people living near the mountain assembled on Monday to get updated on the situation.

About 19 volcanoes in Indonesia have had their statuses upgraded from normal to alert levels from Sunday, February 2, spokesman of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho stated here on Monday.

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