Kamis 06 Nov 2014 20:00 WIB

President Jokowi leaves Mamuju for Kendari

Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KENDARI -- President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, departed from Mamuju in West Sulawesi to continue the next leg of his working visit to the Southeast Sulawesi provincial city of Kendari, on Thursday afternoon (6/11).

The head of state's two-day working visit, which commenced on Wednesday, is scheduled to cover the provinces of South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi.

During his visit to Southeast Sulawesi, President Jokowi will inspect a fishing port and maritime toll road and then proceed to attend the national congress of the Family of Gajah Mada University Alumni before returning to Jakarta in the evening.

Earlier, in Mamuju, the president gave assurance to the local cocoa farmers that he would allocate Rp1.2 trillion to rehabilitate the cocoa plantations in a bid to make Indonesia the world's largest cocoa producer.

"In the next three to four years, Rp1.2 trillion will be allocated to rejuvenate and rehabilitate the cocoa fields," he affirmed during a meeting with the cocoa farmers in Saletto in the district of Mamuju, West Sulawesi.

In this regard, the president has called on the minister of agrarian affairs to immediately streamline the certification process for the people working in cocoa plantations.

Before meeting the farmers, the president inspected an irrigation facility in Beru-Beru, Mamuju, during which he symbolically handed out Healthy Indonesia Cards, Smart Indonesia Cards, and Family Welfare Cards to several people.

The new president, in Jakarta, had recently launched a nationwide distribution of the cards to help the underprivileged avail free education and health services.

During the first day of his visit on Wednesday, in South Sulawesi, President Jokowi inaugurated an irrigation project in Mojong Bendoro in the district of Sidrap.

The irrigation project will divert water from Saddang River in Pinrang district to irrigate 12 thousand hectares of rice fields.

President Jokowi laid a cornerstone to mark the development of the 2.2-kilometer-long and six-meter-wide irrigation system.

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