Selasa 02 Dec 2014 16:35 WIB

Recorded voice reported as illegal political scenario in Golkar congress

Aburizal Bakrie
Foto: Antara/Rosa Panggabean
Aburizal Bakrie

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Golkar Savior Team said it would report a recorded voice of the chairman of the steering committee for the party's National Congress being held in Bali to the Ministry of Law and Human Right showing that the congress is illegal.

The recorded voice of Nurdin Halid was an evidence of an illegal political scenario violating the party statutes and rules, a team member Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa said here on Tuesday (2/12)

"We call on all party members and cadres to remain calm. The Presidium of the Savior Team will report to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights that the party statues and rules have been violated," Agun said in a written statement.

Recorded voice alleged that of Nurdin Halid set a scenario to guarantee that general chairman Aburizal Bakrie would be reelected in the congress to lead the country's second largest party for the next five years.

The recording has been circulated in the Congress with the majority of participants expected to vote for Aburizal Bakrie.

The team has from the beginning been against holding the Congress on Nov 30-Dec 2 as it was allegedly held to ensure victory for Aburizal Bakrie by giving no time for other candidate to maneuver.

Based on the decision in the earlier National Congress in 2009, the next Congress is to be held in January 2015.

All phases and meetings ahead of the Bali congress including national consultation meeting in Bandung, national leaders' meeting in Yogyakartra and consolidation meeting in Jakarta were set to lead the regional leaders of the party to vote for Aburizal Bakrie, Agun said.

The naming of Nurdin Halid and Fredy Latumahina as the Congress Committee members was part of the scenario, he added.

Nurdin denied the allegation saying he had set no scenario to ensure victory for Aburizal Bakrie.

On Monday night Airlangga Hartarto, the only rival candidate left to be faced by Aburizal Bakrie in the election pulled out saying the congress had been designed so that no other candidate could have any chance to win.

"I declare that I pull out as a candidate for new general chairman in this national congress as all ways have been closed for me to possibly win the election.

Everything is engineered so that no other candidate could have any chance," Airlangga said here on Monday.

There were originally are seven candidates but they have called the national congress illegal and refused to take part in it.

Airlangga said there were no discussion or debate on the election procedure, everything has been prepared and arranged to favor Aburizal Bakrie.

With Airlangga out, Aburizal Bakrie would almost certain to lead the party again for the next five years.

On Tuesday in protest of the alleged violation of the procedure, a party leader from Papua, H Achmad Goesra, declared himself to pull out from taking part in the congress.

"I pull out and would not take part in the congress as there is no democracy there," Achmad said.

He said he also would resign as party treasurer in Papua but "I would remain as party cadre."

sumber : Antara
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