Kamis 11 Dec 2014 18:43 WIB

Govt provides annual subsidy fund worth 17 trillion IDR to Papua

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla affirmed that the government annually provides fund subsidy worth 17 trillion IDR to Papua.

"The funds collected from taxation, royalties, and other properties in Papua is only 18 trillion IDR, while the funding required to develop Papua reaches 35 trillion IDR. So, a subsidy of 17 trillion IDR is needed," Kalla noted on Thursday.

Jusuf Kalla, who still serves as chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), was accompanied by Minister of Trade Rahmat Gobel, while Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander General Moeldoko was accompanied by the staff of forces.

The vice president asserted that the government will improve productivity and reduce consumption in Papua. Financial management and eradication of corruption was also being carried out, so that the existing funds were not diverted.

With regard to the shooting in Papua, Jusuf Kalla stated that the incident took place in a particular area. He pointed out that the security forces, assisted by the military, continued to address the existing problems.

He appealed for an impartial assessment of the military and police in connection with human rights issues, pointing out that if ordinary people were involved in shooting incidents, it was not considered a violation of human rights.

"In the meantime, if the military or police resorted to shooting, then it is always considered as a human rights violation," Kalla added.

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