Jumat 03 Apr 2015 01:33 WIB

Ministry validating data on poverty

Khofifah Indar Parawansa
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Khofifah Indar Parawansa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Social Affairs is validating data on the poor who are recipients of the government's 'magic cards,' the Indonesia Health Card (KIS), Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) and Prosperous Family Card (KKS).

"This April, we will, once again, reassess and validate data on the poor who are recipients of the 'magic cards.' This is to ensure that the right persons get the assistance," Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said here on Thursday (2/4).

For this purpose, the cooperation of the regional governments is needed, particularly of those who reported the data to the ministry.

"It must be ensured that those joining the Family of Hope Program have received KKS. It must also be ensured that they get the KIS and KIP," the minister emphasized.

She further noted that if all programs were implemented with integration, efforts to improve their prosperity would be successful.

Since April 1, the government launched the Prosperous Family Saving Program (PSKS) once again in 34 provincial capital cities, providing each family with Rp600 thousand every three months.

The minister stated that the program had a target of covering 16.3 million families, comprising 15 million Social Protection Card (PKS) holders, 340 thousand homeless and internally displaced people (PMKS), and 500 thousand buffers.

She also pointed out that so far, the problem they faced concerned data, which was why it was being revalidated.

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