Rabu 24 Jun 2015 20:18 WIB

Result examination of patient suspected with MERS is negative

Rep: c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Seorang anak laki diperiksa suhunya sebagai bentuk pencegahan MERS di Bandara Suvarnbhumi, Bangkok, Thailand, Ahad (21/6).
Foto: Reuters
Seorang anak laki diperiksa suhunya sebagai bentuk pencegahan MERS di Bandara Suvarnbhumi, Bangkok, Thailand, Ahad (21/6).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The evaluation results of the patients with suspected Mers CoV virus (Middle East Respiratory System Corona virus) in Sulianti Saroso Infection Diseases Hospital (RSPI) turned out negative. This examination has been carried out in the Laboratory BSL 3 Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes).

Head of Balitbangkes of the Health Ministry, Tjandra Yoga Aditama said, the clinical symptoms were not in accordance with this virus. Likewise the examination results on physical contact were also negative.

"Patients who had allegedly Mers CoV in RSPI Sulianti Saroso in the name of M is negative of Mers CoV and influenza, as well as the examination result on the physical contact is also negative," said Tjandra in a release received by Republika on Wednesday, June 24.

He said the negative results were also obtained from the examinations of clinical symptoms which were assessed not in accordance with Mers CoV. Moreover, in South Korea there has been no case of transmission directly to the people.

To support the inspection, one person was also examined to discover the results of the contact, but the results were also negative. M is still being treated for supervision. The treatments were continuing to be done as part of the awareness of health personnel.

Previously, the Sulianti Saroso Infection Diseases Hospital (RSPI) confirmed there were two-year-old patient who was treated for allegedly infected the virus that was endemic in South Korea and some Middle Eastern countries. Previously M was known traveled to South Korea a few days earlier.


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