Selasa 30 Jun 2015 16:40 WIB

Kapolda Sumbar forbid police to use official cars to Eid holiday

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Anggota Polri
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Anggota Polri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- West Sumatra (Sumbar) Police Chief (Kapolda), Brigadier General Bambang Sri Herwanto forbid his members to use official cars (mobnas) for the purposes of Eid holiday.

"The official car should not be taken to return home because of limited number," he said in Padang on Tuesday, June 30.

He explained that the official car was actually used for service to the community. In addition, the number of official cars in West Sumatra Police Headquarters was very limited. For services were still shortcomings, moreover, if the cars were brought back home.

"The car of police chief also could not (take home)," said Bambang.

He said that if any member of the West Sumatra Police brought an official car for the purposes of going home, then it will be penalized.

"Explicitly not allowed. Because official car for community service, for operational tasks," said Bambang.


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