Kamis 02 Jul 2015 19:05 WIB

Identification of Hercules plane crash's victims not easy

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Sejumlah anggota Paskhas TNI AU membawa peti jenazah pilot pesawat Hercules C-130 Kapten Penerbang Sandy Permana saat tiba di Hanggar Skuadron 32, Lanud Abdul Rahman Saleh, Malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (1/7) malam.
Foto: Antara/Ari Bowo Sucipto
Sejumlah anggota Paskhas TNI AU membawa peti jenazah pilot pesawat Hercules C-130 Kapten Penerbang Sandy Permana saat tiba di Hanggar Skuadron 32, Lanud Abdul Rahman Saleh, Malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (1/7) malam.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Head of Medical and Health Center (Kapusdokkes) Brigadier General Arthur Tampi said, the victim’s identification process of the crash of Hercules C-130 will begin to experience a slowdown, because the bodies have been difficult to identify visually.

"Starting this afternoon and tomorrow, it will experience a slowdown, because visually it has been difficult to identify the victims," he said in an official statement at the Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, on Thursday, July 2.

According to him, victim’s condition has begun to swell and difficult to recognize both of posture, facial and property used. It was different when the identification in the first and second day, where many victims were still easily recognizable and even still complete with the emblem of the name in the clothes worn.

Arthur said, there were three primary identification used namely fingerprints, dental structure and DNA matching. Fingerprints and dental structures, he said, has been difficult because of victim’s conditions were not enable to be identified. The only way was to use DNA testing.

"And the DNA tests take some time. We ask for understanding to the whole family of the victims," he said.

DNA samples will be taken to Police Headquarters for examination. At least, said Arthur, took the fastest 24 hours or 48 hours to get results. In fact, he said, to get the results it could take longer than that.


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