Kamis 02 Jul 2015 19:47 WIB

Sutiyoso: President wants improvements in intelligence agency's ability

Foto: Antara Foto/ Andika Wahyu

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo has asked for improvements in the management and ability of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), according to the candidate for the post of the BIN chief.

"This is the first direction I have been given as the National Intelligence Agency chief candidate," retired army lieutenant general Sutiyoso said here on Thursday.

He added that the president had urged him to reform the agency to face challenges in the future.

"The president has asked me to improve the BIN, both its organizational structure and the ability of personnel," Sutiyoso pointed out.

"Based on the scope of work, we will require 5,000 people. Currently, the BIN has only 1,975 personnel. So we will recruit 1,000 qualified people from a variety of disciplines," he affirmed.

To improve the quality of human resources, the nominee noted, the BIN will send its personnel to graduate schools to sharpen their ability.

"We will also improve our equipment in terms of information technology," Sutiyoso stated.

Based on the president's direction, he emphasized that the BIN will prevent terrorist and radical movements.

On Tuesday, all political party factions of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) had agreed to accept retired army lieutenant general Sutiyoso as the next chief of the BIN.

"Ten factions gave their statements after we heard Sutiyoso's vision, mission, and program and studied them," Chairman of Commission I Mahfudz Siddiq said during an internal meeting of the commission.

He revealed that the Hanura and Nasdem factions had agreed with notes that Sutiyoso must improve communication channels and coordination with the DPR.

The PPP faction also agreed with notes that the new BIN chief must have the courage to provide inputs to President Joko Widodo when dealing with national interests.

"The PKS accepted him with a note that the DPR has internal supervision, which will be set up. The PKB and PAN factions accepted him, as well," he stated.

Siddiq further noted that the Democratic Party faction approved Sutiyoso with the hope that the new BIN chief will ensure better coordination from the agency.

The party faction also reminded Sutiyoso to uphold the BIN's neutrality so it does not get trapped in the web of partisanship.

Moreover, the Golkar Party faction accepted Sutiyoso with three notes---the new BIN chief must increase cooperation with the DPR; he must ensure that the president will pay heed to the BIN's recommendations while making policies, to prevent errors; and he must alter his style of communication.

"The PDIP faction accepted him completely and supported him with notes that urge him to respect the law on the intelligence agency and work bearing in mind the interests of the state, not those of specific groups," he remarked.

Siddiq affirmed that all notes and factors that Commission I took into account will be discussed at a plenary session to produce the DPR's final decision.


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