Selasa 28 Jul 2015 07:14 WIB

Political parties cannot register Pilkada if not meet the requirements

Rep: c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Pilkada 2015
Pilkada 2015

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The General Election Commission (KPU) asserted to all political parties to meet the requirements in registering the candidate for the simultaneous local elections (Pilkada).

KPU commissioners Hadar Nafis Gumay said these requirements have to be met until the application deadline. Otherwise, the parties must accept the consequences could not register its candidates in the election.

"We are sorry to be so, the injury time applies to all parties," said Hadar in the Central of KPU, Jakarta, on Monday, July 27.

Thus, he hoped all political parties could utilize the time to complete the requirements.

Other KPU commissioners, Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said the requirements from KPU were directed to political parties who still have two managements.

He reiterated the candidate promoted by both political parties were still in dispute must be approved by both camps in which the one same pair of candidates.

If not, then KPU was entitled to refuse the registration of candidates of the political parties.

"If there are two files (from both camps) yes (it will be accepted), if it just one file will be rejected, as in Cilegon there was rejection, if it does not agree," he said.

He said the candidate registration file that could be accepted by KPUD according to PKPU 9/2015 article 38 paragraph two among others the coalition parties which must meet a minimum of 20 seats, a letter of approval from the head of a political party on central level, and the number of coalition parties.

"It must legitimate (the requirements of the party's candidacy)," said Ferry.

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