Kamis 13 Aug 2015 15:42 WIB

Academician: Cabinet reshuffle yet to meet public expectations

Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Joko Widodo
Foto: Antara/Yudhi Mahatma
President Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG -- President Joko Widodo has met the public's demand for a cabinet reshuffle by replacing five ministers, but the revamp had yet to meet the public's expectations, according to an academician.

"Ministers who were replaced are those at the coordinating ministerial level. Now, the cabinet's problem is not at the coordination level but the performance at the economic and legal ministerial levels," Dr Ahmad Atang of the Muhammadiyah University of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), stated here on Thursday.

Therefore, the replacement of the ministers has not yet offered a solution to the problems currently being faced by the nation, which has so far continued to draw flak from several quarters.

So far, several quarters have been criticizing the weaknesses of the ministries in the economic and legal fields. However the ministries in these fields, except the trade ministry, were not part of the reshuffle, he emphasized.