Selasa 18 Aug 2015 22:41 WIB

Biodiesel ready to be produced

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Fuel oil mixed with 15 percent of biodiesel from palm oil are ready to be produced. Fund Management Agency of Oil Palm stated that the palm oil are also ready to be distributed.

“The distribution started today. There was also the signing of the cooperation between Pertamina and some biodiesel producers,” said the Chairman of the BLU CPO Fund, Bayu Krisnamurthi, after the signing of Memorandum of Understanding and launching 15 percent biodesel, Tuesday (18/8).

Bayu added, starting from 17th August to October 2015, there were 339 thousand kiloliters (KL) of biodiesel that will be produced. Biodiesel production could reach 1.5 million KL in a year.

"Hopefully by the end of the year, the use of biodiesel could reach 765 thousand KL," he continued.

The use of 15 percent biodiesel would reduce the oil imports. There were 1.5 million KL crude oil that the government does not need to be imported.

The production of biodiesel will give a positive impact to the oil industry in Indonesia. The Indonesian palm oil prices will increase and the palm oil export will decrease.

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