Kamis 03 Sep 2015 17:05 WIB

Kualanamu as airport with best navigation system in Indonesia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kualanamu airport
Foto: Septianda Perdana/Antara
Kualanamu airport

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Navigation system in Kualanamu International Airport, North Sumatra, was rated the best by the Ministry of Transportation because it entirely meets the standards of the ministry. The navigation system of Kualanamu Airport was built from zero after transfer operation from Polonia Airport.

"It's almost the same as the navigation system recommended by Ministry of Transportation, even it considered as the best," said Executive Public Relations of PT Angkasa Pura 2 (AP-2) Kualanamu, Wisnu Budi Setianto, in Medan, Wednesday (2/9).

With appropriate quality standards of the Ministry of Transportation, navigation system of Kualanamu Airport can provide the best service in spite of bad weather. Moreover, the navigation system used in the airport, which is located in Deli Serdang, was established by the Ministry of Transportation.

"AP-2 only built the terminal, while the navigation system was established by the Ministry of Transportation," he said.

Earlier, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transportation planned to implement a flight navigation system based on instrument, after it had been solely based on visual to avoid the risk of accidents.

Director of Air Navigation Ministry of Transportation, Novie Riyanto, said the application will be made as soon as possible, especially at 54 airports in Papua.

During this time, mostly flights were carried out by only relying on visual flight of pilot, while the geographical conditions were very difficult to make the flight, because of many mountains and hills.

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