REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GOWA --- Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that 13th distribution of rice for prosperous residents (Rastra), until now only reached 32 percent.
"We have to maximize in this October," said Khofifah on a working visit to Gowa, South Sulawesi, Sunday (4/10).
The 13th distribution of Rastra should be simultaneously carried out in September, but most regions had not yet distribute it. In her working visits, Khofifah wanted to ensure that local governments have received circulars from the Ministry.
"If it's only 32 percent, it means there is 68 percent of rice that has to be simultaneously distributed in this October," she added.
The government gave 13th rastra to provide economic security to the public. There were 25 percent of residents who were affected by current economic conditions
Rastra previously called Raskin (rice for the poor). Each family were entitled to get 15 kg of medium quality rice and they could buy the rice at Rp 1,600 per kilogram.