Senin 05 Oct 2015 15:00 WIB

Local residents help BPBD to search for Aviastar aircraft in Enrekang

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Sahrul Manda Tikupadang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Enrekang, South Sulawesi, stated that residents of Enrekang would help to search for the missing aircraft of Aviastar that had lost contact since last Friday.

"The plan is, about one hundred residents will join tomorrow to search for Aviastar aircraft," said Chief of Emergency of BPBD of Enrekang, Sutrisno, Sunday (4/10).

According to him, the extra power was believed to maximize the search of aircraft type PKBRM/DHC6 owned by Aviastar with flight number MV7503. The local people were considered to very understand typography conditions of the region.

"Now, the search was stopped and will be continued by tomorrow, Monday, 5th October 2015, at a number of points that are considered potentially," he said.

He said, BPBD of Enrekang cooperated with Taruna Disaster Response or Tagana with the local residents, but again the results were negative or nil.

Previously, the search was suspended at 15:30 pm because there was no result. Meanwhile the search through the land started at 07:00 pm but again, there was no new result.

"There has been no positive signs on the incident. Tonight the team is resting in Baraka, Mattajang Village. On Monday the team will search in the regions that were already marked," he explained.

He revealed there were three areas that will be search points, namely Bulo, Matajang, and Kampung Baru.

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