Selasa 01 Dec 2015 20:03 WIB

Ombudsman Indonesia becomes member of board directors of AOA

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Tahta Aidila/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Supervisory Public Service Institutions, Ombudsman Indonesia, was elected as member of Board Directors of Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA).

"Of 19 countries which have voting rights in General Assembly Meeting in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 24th to 25th November 2015, Ombudsman Indonesia gained 13 votes," said Ombudsman Field Coordinator of Completion Report, Budi Santoso, in an official statement, Tuesday (1/12).

He said, it was one of evidence that existence and performance of Ombudsman Indonesia was increasingly recognized and appreciated in AOA. In the General Assembly Meeting, nine countries was elected as candidates of member of Board Director of AOA. Those were Iran, Republic of Tatarstan, Japan, Macau, China, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

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"The Assembly meeting, finally, set one of leaders of Ombudsman Indonesia, Pranowo Dahlan, as one of AOA Board Directors member with China, Japan, Malaysia and Republic of Tatarstan," he explained.

Ombudsman Indonesia was elected as one of AOA Board Directors member for four years. The leaders of Ombudsman Indonesia were required to have more active and effective role for improvement of public services.

In AOA General Assembly this year, Chairman of Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, Salman Faruqui, was elected as President of AOA for next four year, after gaining 15 votes. The Vice President is Elimira Suleymanova from Azerbaijan. The secretary was Connie Lau from Hong Kong and the teasurer was Justice Naser from Iran. The AOA General Assembly will be held in 2017 in South Korea.

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