Rabu 27 Jan 2016 23:02 WIB

Turning back the clock has never been so simple!

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Womanitely

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEOUL -- As education level & social status of women get elevated, the entry of women in public affairs has also expanded, making one's beautiful appearance as one of the biggest competitive edge.

As young as 20's to 50's and 60's, increasing number of people are paying attention to maintaining their youthful appearances and preventing having wrinkles with beauty products or skin care treatments. However, youthful appearances are not achieved by having a flawless skin, but also having dimensional and balanced facial structure.

Most commonly performed anti-aging treatment is thread lifting. Thread lifting does not involve any incisions, but simply injects dissolving threads to treat saggy cheeks, deep nasolabial folds, and loosened skin elasticity. In the past, PDO threads were inserted showing little lifting effects, but threads with cogs are used nowadays for more promising lifting results.

Korea TL Plastic Surgery Anti-aging Center Director Jung Yeonho says "With many environmental aspects, aging is starting at a sooner stage of your life. Even amongst the younger crowd, lost skin elasticity or undesirable face shape easily get detected. Because of this reason, people are seeking the fastest and the most effective lifting procedures"