Selasa 29 Mar 2016 20:17 WIB

BNN, Kostrad to do urine test at border

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Prajurit Satgas Pamtas Yonif Linud 431/SSP Kostrad melakukan partoli perbatasan Indonesia-Papua Nugini di Waris, Keerom, Papua, Kamis (17/3).
Foto: Antara/Sigid Kurniawan
Prajurit Satgas Pamtas Yonif Linud 431/SSP Kostrad melakukan partoli perbatasan Indonesia-Papua Nugini di Waris, Keerom, Papua, Kamis (17/3).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Commitment Task Force Pamtas (border guards) RI-PNG (Papua New Guinea) 411 Raider Battalion Kostrad to fight drugs not foolin around. This proved by checking urine all personnel who served in posts Force, not least the Airmail in Bewan Baru and Bewan Lama, Keerom, Papua, which is the furthest border post.


Although the need to travel overland tiring and had to spend the night, did not dampen the spirit of officer of the intelligence section Task Force Battalion Raider 411, First Lieutenant Ari Kuswanto with 12 members and two officers BNN Papua province, through the woods, up and down mountains and crossing rivers to be up at two designated locations.

"The location is far away, because the weather was rainy, so had to spend the night, to get there should be by foot or helicopter, can not use a motor vehicle," said First Lieutenant Ari Kuswanto in a statement on Monday.


He said these checks to ascertain whether the task force personnel use proven drugs, while emphasizing the Task Force Commander's commitment to prevent abuse and drug trafficking by soldiers. From checking clerk, from the second to the post and the result is negative, there is no proven use drugs.

From the description of one officer, the examination results will be combined as a whole and will be reported by BNN Papua province in the near future. "To the ranks of RI-PNG Pamtas Task Force Infantry Battalion 411 / Raider, totaling 450 people, have completed the urine checks, and for the results are pending approval from the Office BNN Papua province," he said.

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