Selasa 31 May 2016 18:33 WIB

IMA says 426 museums in Indonesia need revitalization

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Museum Association (IMA) says 426 museums in Indonesia need to be revitalized. According to the Chairman of the Association of Museum Indonesia (AMI) Putu Supadma Rudana, to attract visitors to come, revitalization should be done immediately.

"These meetings are held to discuss the future of the museum to be more developed and qualified in serving the community. It also answered the challenge of the museum on an international scale," he said.

AMI also hope that the government and parliament to form the body of Indonesian museum because of the sync with the Law of the creative economy that has been proposed by the government.

"This museum plays an important role in the culture, national identity and the main destinations of tourism. We hope in seeing action being made in improving the museum and for it to be quickly recognized,” said Putu Rudana.

In addition, the meeting aims to find a solution with multiple options such as digital technologies for the development of the museum, museum image enhancement, intelligent and creative human resources and public involvement in the development of the museum.

Secretary General of Directorate of Culture Nono Adya Supriyatno appreciate all heads of the national museum for holding this event.

"Through this meeting forums national museum, let's build communication discuss strategic issues to expand the information for the public, because the museum is the responsibility of the whole," he said.

The Government, said Nono, is currently building a museum in order to become a source of learning, a place of research, for the development of civilizations that has ever happened in history.  

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