Rabu 15 Jun 2016 17:19 WIB

Residents of Kendari asked to be aware of malaria

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ABC News

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KENDARI -- Residents of Kendari City are advised to pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment in Ramadan to press the breeding places of mosquitoes that cause malaria.

"Malaria is caused by mosquitoes bite and it will be reduced, if people keep healthy environment so that mosquitoes will not breed in these environment," head of health department of Kendari, dr Maryam Rufiah said in Kendari, Tuesday (14/6).

She said, the epidemiology of malaria can affect everyone, both of men and women, all ages, from infants to adults.

"Malaria is infectious disease caused by the parasite (plasmodium) which is transmitted by malaria mosquito (anopheles), so we have to keep the environment clean to prevent the spread of mosquitoes," she said.

Maryam explained, malaria has two symptoms, mild and severe malaria.

Symptoms of mild malaria include fever and headache, pale because of lack of blood, sometimes the body feel weak, vomiting no appetite, as well as specific symptoms, such as diarrhea in children. For severe malaria symptoms, she continued, the convulsions, unconsciousness, yellow eyes, fever, dark tea-colored urination, rapid breathing, and vomiting.

"If the anopheles mosquitoes bite people who are sick with malaria, the parasite will also be sucked along with the patient's blood so that the parasites will grow and breed," she said, During rainy season as it is currently happening in Kendari there will be a rapidly development of malaria mosquitoes, so the citizens must to anticipate.

"The government's efforts to anticipate malaria mosquitoes will be in useless if there is no awareness of the public to keep the environment clean," she said.

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