Kamis 21 Jul 2016 22:24 WIB

President urges businessmen, taxpayers to show patriotism

President Jokowi
Foto: setkab.go.id
President Jokowi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- President Joko Widodo has urged businessmen and taxpayers in the country to show their patriotism by supporting all development programs that have been launched by the government.

He made the call here on Thursday during a meeting with businessmen and taxpayers from across the Sumatra Island in connection with the implementation of the Amnesty Tax law.

He said it did not make sense for Indonesians to deposit their wealth abroad while the taxpayers do business in the country and at the same time almost all countries in the world are experiencing pressure in the economic sector due to bad global economic conditions.

Through various policies, all countries in the world are now competing to get as much funds as possible, especially by easing investment procedures, he said.

"Right now, the country needs your participation," he told participants during a meeting, including one with Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo and Chairman of the Financial Services Authorities, Muliaman Hadad.

President Joko Widodo hoped that businessmen and taxpayers in the country are aware of the current competition.

The competition that takes place includes exploiting funds from overseas including those from Indonesian businessmen, he stated.

As a former businessman he said he understands well the process of financial transactions, including funds that are kept abroad.

"The money is kept in various places. The list is in my pocket," he told around 3,000 businessmen and tax payers at the meeting.

The President reiterated that the country is badly in need of funds to support its development programs.

In view of that he said the government has prepared the tax amnesty law so that businessmen who have funds abroad can bring them back home.

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