Kamis 04 Aug 2016 22:56 WIB

Narcotics more dangerous than terrorism

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Oesman Sapta Odang
Foto: ROL/Wisnu Aji Prasetiyo
Oesman Sapta Odang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BENGKAYANG -- Deputy Chairman of People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Oesman Sapta Odang has confirmed drugs are an extraordinary crime. In fact, narcotics are more dangerous than terrorism being focus of the world.

He said the impact of narcotics is worse than terrorism.

"This (drugs) is more dangerous than terrorism. Terrorists can be calculated but if drugs affected on children and grandchildren," Oso said, Thursday (4/8).

Oso said drugs as effort to destroy the nation of Indonesia, by foreign country. Drugs are destroyer of the younger generation. The youth are future leaders for the progress of Indonesia.

"Narcotics as foreign intervention to destroy Indonesia," he said.

Therefore, he urged people in Bengkayang not to consume illicit drugs.

As the country's borders, Bengkayang is often as gateway of international drug trafficking. Therefore, it should be anticipated and not destroy the homeland.

"We need cooperation. Do not let Bengkayang become a narcotics place," he said.

Moreover, Oso received many aspirations of the people concerned health and education. In his duty, Oso also review the existing power plants and hospitals Bengkayang.

Scheduled for Friday (5/8), he will visit traditional markets in Sambas District. The plan will end on Saturday (6/8).

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