Kamis 08 Dec 2016 14:44 WIB

Police transfer the investigation report of Buni Yani's case

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Three sentences that Buni Yani posted commenting the video of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama speech have made him suspect of defamation and provocative statement.
Foto: Facebook Buni Yani
Three sentences that Buni Yani posted commenting the video of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama speech have made him suspect of defamation and provocative statement.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The investigators of Jakarta Metro Police transferred the first phase investigation report of Buni Yani's case to the Jakarta District Public Prosecutor's Office, Wednesday (12/7). He was named as a suspect of a violence of Law of Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE).

"The prosecutors are still examining," said the Director of Special Crime Investigation of Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner Rev. Wahyu Hadiningrat in Jakarta, Wednesday (7/12).

The report was transferred to the Jakarta District Public Prosecutors's Office on Tuesday. Buni Yani was charged under article No. 28 point 2, the Constitution Number 11 of 2008 about ITE due to the post containing race and religion discrimination through his social media account, which generated on hatred.

Previously, Young Community for Ahok-Djarot (Kotak Adja) made a report on Buni Yani to the Jakarta Metro Police on Friday (10/7). The Chairman of Kotak Adja reported him as allegedly provoking the public by posting the original video pieces of Ahok’s speech in the Kepulauan Seribu. 

Buni Yani also reported Kotak Adja back to the police for alleged defamation, due to his post of Ahok’s speech. 

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