Jumat 16 Dec 2016 00:00 WIB

Alleged for planning coup plot, police seizes Rachmawati’s speech text

Rep: Bayu Hermawan, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Politician Rachmawati Soekarnoputri was questioned on the allegation of planning a coup plot on Friday (12/2).
Foto: Antara/Indrianto Eko Suwarso
Politician Rachmawati Soekarnoputri was questioned on the allegation of planning a coup plot on Friday (12/2).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Jakarta Police investigators seized some documents while doing a search in Rachmawati Soekarnoputri’s house at Jatipadang Street, South Jakarta. The daughter of Indonesian former President Soekarno was alleged for planning coup plot. "Some of the documents, including oration text was seized by the investigators,” said Rachmawati’s spokesman, Teguh Santosa, in Jakarta, Thursday (12/15).

Teguh said the police searched the house of Rachmawati, on Thursday (12/15), start from 08.00 am until 14.00 pm. Police searched several rooms such as the living room, the driver’s bedroom, and two cars. According to Teguh, a number of documents was seized by the police, including the speech text contains the call to return to the Basic Law or Constitution in 1945. The police also took the speech text on the graduation at the University of Bung Karno (UBK) on November 16, 2016, together with her scientific studies documents.

Previously, the National Police searched the offices of the Racmawati Foundation at UBK, at Pegangsaan Timur Street and Kimia Street, on Wednesday (14/12) up to Thursday (12/15). "We've done a searching in there," said Head of Public Relations of Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner Argo Yuwono.

Jakarta Metro Police had set 11 suspects related to alleged treason trial, insult to the President, and violation of the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). A total of eight people, including Kivlan Zein, Adityawarman, Ratna Sarumpaet, Firza Hussein, Eko Patrio, Alvin, Rachmawati, and Sri Bintang Pamungkas were allegedly involved in the treason trial.

Two other suspects, namely Jamran and Rizal, charged on doing criminal acts based on the Law of Information and Electronic Transaction (ITE), while Ahmad Dhani accused for insulting the President.

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