REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) needs syndication to strengthen cadre for the future. This syndication is a braid or close communication relationship between IMM students with alumni who have been dispered to various countries, Republika Editor Muhammad Fakhruddin said in Yogyakarta on Friday.
Fakhruddin become a speaker in IMM Alumni Family Forum in Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University (UMY). The reunion followed by hundreds of students and alumni IMM takes the themes 'Cross Border Generation, Retracing Steps Building the Country'. The event itself was held by IMM AR Fachruddin UMY.
"I hope there is a systematic effort to prepare the cadres with more massive way through the involvement of alumni which is quite a lot and spread to many countries," he said.
According to him, today there are many cadres whom success in several countries in the world. But mostly they are struggling alone to achieve success. Hence the syndication is expected to be a bridge for IMM cadres on campus to absorb a alot of information about various things both further education or employment of the alumni.
Fakhruddin claimed he recently had just made an online media about information of education and scholarships abroad. The information is thought necessary because not everybody knows related to it.
Meanwhile Nurwanto who from Alumni Communication Forum IMM hopes to all cadres to wear IMM as a pious deed in the broadest sense. It is because IMM recognize the trilogy movements of religious, student, and community.
Affan Qolbi, the IMM Brach President, said the IMM challenge ahead is to find the correct information amid the globalization and being in the middle of the triumph of individualism and the attitude of the current competition.
"IMM cadres should dare to take a role in the community. One of them with academic role. This gathering could be the next step in the pursuit of cadres to the front," he said.
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