Sabtu 01 Apr 2017 02:00 WIB

Govt to launch prototype of Indonesian smart card namely Kartu Indonesia Satu

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Indonesia is still preparing e-ID for all of its citizen, meanwhile the government already planned the future multifunction card. It will covered the tax ID number, e-ID, driving license and e-money.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Indonesia is still preparing e-ID for all of its citizen, meanwhile the government already planned the future multifunction card. It will covered the tax ID number, e-ID, driving license and e-money.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Directorate General of Tax in Financial Ministry launched a prototype of Indonesian smart card namely Kartu Indonesia Satu (Kartin1) on Friday (March 30). The launching was in conjunction with the closing of tax amnesty program. 

Director of Transformation and Information Iwan Djuniardi said Kartin1 is a multifunction card platform which combined tax ID number (NPWP), Indonesian e-ID card (e-KTP), driving license (SIM), and electronic money (e-money). All would be integrated with banking funds. However, the card would only integrated NPWP and e-KTP at the beginning. 

“It will be demonstrated. Maybe the director general will try it first. We will demonstrate how to use it,” said Iwan in Jakarta on Thursday (March 30).

Iwan said Kartin1 was designed to help Indonesian people to get better administration. It was developed since last year. He said the government also guaranteed its safety.  

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution claimed said he did not know the detail of Kartin1. On its planning, government had considered the input of businessmen as the users of NPWP, immigration and banking funds. "I do not know the detail. Please asked the businessmen too,” Darmin said.

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