Jumat 14 Jul 2017 12:20 WIB

Sitting with suspects is an interrogation technique: Iriawan

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Crystal Liestia Purnama / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chief of Jakarta Metro Police Inspector General of Police Mochamad Iriawan
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Chief of Jakarta Metro Police Inspector General of Police Mochamad Iriawan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The viral photos showing Chief of Jakarta Metro Police Inspector General of Police Mochamad Iriawan sitting together with two attackers of ITB telematics expert Hermansyah in one table had caused a polemic in the public.

Iriawan explained that police have investigation techniques in each case. One of them is with the psychological approach on the subject. “It’s a police technique to interrogate, we touch the psychological psyche of the perpetrators in that way,” Iriawan said at Metro Jaya headquarters on Thursday (July 13).

In one of the photograph, two suspects who appeared with handcuffs in front of Iriawan seemed to be holding a cigarrette. In front of them was also presented a cup of drink. Another photograph also showing the police have displaced the handcuffs tied on the back to the front.

Iriawan confirmed that the investigator has a particular approach to extract information from the suspects. He cited the interrogation of terrorist Ali Imron. “Ali Imron was not handcuffed by Special Detachment (Densus) 88, even invited to eat together. It’s a technique,” said Iriawan.

He also said that the issue raises various speculations that tried to cornered him and the police. However, he said it actually becomes a blessing. “Slander everywhere it actually brings a blessing for me,” he joked.

Previously, Head of Public Relation Polda Metro Jaya Great Commissioner Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono said, the topic is not a matter that needs to be questioned. He said the investigators reported the Police Chief as their superiors. “It is normal to arrest and then report to the commander, and the suspects not to be handcuffed,” said Argo at Metro Jaya Police Headquarter on Wednesday (July 12).

Currently, the police have arrested four perperators of the attackers against Hermansyah. The four perpetrators are Erick Birahy, Richard Patipelu, Laurens Paliyama (stabber) and Edwin Hitipeuw. One other suspect is still on the run.

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