Jumat 22 Sep 2017 02:02 WIB

Raw rattan not for export: Minister

Raw rattan.
Foto: Antara/Irwansyah Putra
Raw rattan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON -- Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita stated that raw or unprocessed rattan commodity may not be exported in accordance with Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 38 of 2017.

"Raw rattan cannot be exported, but the semi-finished one is allowed," Enggar noted in Cirebon on Thursday when asked about Permendag Number 38 of 2017, especially on rattan commodity.

He remarked that there must be pros and cons on the regulation on rattan export ban. Rattan, if not allowed to export, would be wasted in rattan-producing areas.

However, the export of rattan would also lead to concerns on the scarcity of the commodity in areas that process rattan.

"The ban on rattan export will become a problem and a matter of concern for the producing regions because of its limited absorption for domestic processing," he remarked.

Due to such conditions, the Ministry of Trade is taking steps to allow producer areas to sell raw materials and not wet raw materials.

However, what can be exported are the semi-finished raw materials. This is also a difficult choice because differences in interests must be bridged between both rattan handcrafters and rattan producers.

"The discussions with other ministries has not led to the raw material export. However, semi-finished rattan products can be exported," the minister revealed.

sumber : Antara
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