Rabu 06 Dec 2017 04:10 WIB

Govt acknowledges failure to reach housing target

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Construction of subsidized houses. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara
Construction of subsidized houses. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Public Works and Housing Ministry acknowledged realization fall short of target to build one million units of houses per year.

"Yes, we have not reached the target. Realization has reached only 765,120 units including 70 percent houses for low income people (MBR) and 30 percent for non MBR," Director General of Housing Provision Khalawi Abdul Hamid told reporters here on Tuesday.

Khalawi said the program to build a million houses began in 2015 to reduce the backlog of 7.6 million units, which grow 800,000 units per year.

Also read: World Bank to lend Rp5.4T for 1 million houses program