Senin 12 Feb 2018 14:56 WIB

Sri Mulyani achieves Best Minister in the World award

Sri Mulyani becomes the first Asian's minister to receive the award

Rep: Lida Puspaningtyas, Puti Almas / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani receives the Best Minister in the World award from Dubai's leader, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, at World Government Summit held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), on Feb 11, 2018.
Foto: Kemenkeu
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani receives the Best Minister in the World award from Dubai's leader, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, at World Government Summit held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), on Feb 11, 2018.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DUBAI -- Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani awarded as the Best Minister in the World at World Government Summit held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The award was given by Dubai's leader, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

The Best Minister Award is annual global award given to one minister from all countries every year, started from 2016. The selection and determination process of the winner is conducted by independent agency Ernst & Young and organized by the World Government Summit.

Sri Mulyani expressed her appreciation to become the first who get the award from Asia. She said the award was an acknowledgment of the collective work of the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, especially in the economic field.

In her speech, Sri Mulyani said she dedicated the award for 257 million Indonesian people and 78,164 ministrial staffs who have worked hard to manage state finances. She said all of them with integrity and high commitment have created equitable people's prosperity.

Various policy reform efforts have been launched in the Ministry of Finance, aimed at fostering fiscal policy towards inclusive and sustainable development. The reform of bureaucracy in the Ministry of Finance has also produced many results.

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