Selasa , 06 Feb 2018, 19:02 WIB
Jakarta police instructed to identify disaster-prone areas

Selasa , 06 Feb 2018, 18:25 WIB
Public kitchens opened to assist Jakarta flood victims

Selasa , 06 Feb 2018, 18:17 WIB
140 neighborhood associations in Jakarta affected by floods

Selasa , 06 Feb 2018, 01:20 WIB
Anies orders officials to conduct flood alert operations

Senin , 05 Feb 2018, 18:33 WIB
Rise in Katulampa dam water level floods Kampung Melayu
Senin , 05 Feb 2018, 12:58 WIB
Jakarta braces for floods as Katulampa dam on highest alert

Jumat , 13 Sep 2013, 01:07 WIB
Parts of Jakarta might be under sea by 2030

Rabu , 06 Mar 2013, 21:30 WIB
Govt to build giant sea wall ahead the plan

Selasa , 05 Mar 2013, 20:26 WIB
Floods inundate Jakarta... again

Selasa , 05 Mar 2013, 19:56 WIB
Denmark offers cooperation to solve Jakarta's floods

Jumat , 15 Feb 2013, 19:10 WIB
Jakarta focuses on traffic and flood management project with S. Korea

Selasa , 12 Feb 2013, 19:17 WIB
Jakarta to build giant sea wall soon

Floods in the capital city trigger theavy traffic jams
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Floods inundated several areas in the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, on Wednesday afternoon as heavy rain fell across Jakarta. Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, immediately checked Hotel Indonesia traffic circle. Rain started to fall at 15:30. Main streets in Jakarta, such as Sudirman and Thamrin, were flooded, forcing cars and motorcycle to use Transjakarta lanes, which...

Sabtu , 26 Jan 2013, 22:11 WIB
Disaster Management to apply technology to control weather

Jumat , 25 Jan 2013, 21:37 WIB
Flood victims need water to clean their once flooded houses

Jumat , 25 Jan 2013, 20:27 WIB
Govt needs 55 billion IDR to repair flood-damaged roads

Kamis , 24 Jan 2013, 22:03 WIB
Presidential Staff: Jakarta may be inundated, but not drown

Kamis , 24 Jan 2013, 21:52 WIB
Police: No more bodies found in UOB Plaza

Rabu , 23 Jan 2013, 20:11 WIB
Banking transactions decline during floods

Rabu , 23 Jan 2013, 18:36 WIB
Twenty seven areas in Jakarta still inundated

Selasa , 22 Jan 2013, 23:54 WIB
Business sectors lose trillion IDR due to floods

Selasa , 22 Jan 2013, 21:55 WIB
Police to investigate the flooded Plaza UOB

Senin , 21 Jan 2013, 23:51 WIB
Govt provides two trillion IDR for flood prevention project

Senin , 21 Jan 2013, 18:52 WIB
APERSI: Floods potentially drop property prices

Ahad , 20 Jan 2013, 23:05 WIB
Volunteers start cleaning the streets and public facilities affected by flooding

Expert: Moving capital worth considering
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Professor Nirwono Yoga, an expert on urban environment of the Trisakti University in Jakarta, said that the discourse in moving the capital city from Jakarta to Palangkaraya was worth considering. He said the capital city could be moved from Jakarta to Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, so that the central government would not be affected by floods. "Probably former...

Sabtu , 19 Jan 2013, 23:53 WIB