Jumat 02 Mar 2018 21:37 WIB

UI expert explains the phenomenon of Muslim cyber army

The phenomenon of Muslim cyber army can be understood through three stages.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
A number of suspects were shown during the press release of perpetrators who spread fake news and hatred at National Police Cyber Crime Unit, Jakarta, on Wednesday (Feb 28).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
A number of suspects were shown during the press release of perpetrators who spread fake news and hatred at National Police Cyber Crime Unit, Jakarta, on Wednesday (Feb 28).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Communication expert at University of Indonesia (UI), Irwansyah explains the phenomenon of Muslim cyber army can be understood through three stages. The three levels are macro, mezzo, and micro.

Irwansyah said at macro level, there has been a strengthening of Islam and the development of new media or social media globally. The condition interacted with the agenda of share holders's interest. 

"In other words, Islam is getting stronger while the social media is booming and eventually the people could expand their agenda easily through new media," he said on Friday (March 2). 

Meanwhile, at mezzo or intermediate level, networking has been the chararcter of Islam and social media. It created synergies in the activities and patterns of dissemination of information. Intermediaries between actors facilitated in the network of Islamic organizations and social media. The network reinforces Islamic issues that are easily packed in various interests.

"It is not just politics, but also in the strengthening the economic, social and culture to the communities both inside and outside the network," Irwansyah said.

At micro level, Irwansyah explained even an individual has the ability to pack any kind of ideology to be capitalized to meet the theory of demand and supply. The message was manipulated, modified or commodified as fake news. 

It was a game to create chaos, opportunities to create anti-establishment such as anxiety, worries, and fears. "Therefore, everyone will seek or build his group to seek protection against their beliefs," he explained.

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