Kamis 08 Mar 2018 17:52 WIB

No request yet from police to trace MCA flow of fund: PPATK

PPATK says there has been no formal request from the police to trace MCA fund.

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Ronggo Astungkoro, Puti Almas / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
PPATK head Ki Agus Ahmad Badaruddin
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
PPATK head Ki Agus Ahmad Badaruddin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) has not received any request from National Police to trace the flow of fund ot he Muslim Cyber Army (MCA). However, PPATK head Ki Agus Ahmad Badaruddin said the two institution might have cooperated in lower level. "But there has been no formal request," he said on Wednesday (March 7). 

Badaruddin said probably PPATK analysts have exchanged information with police investigators. He hoped the police will submit the request formally. "Nevertheless, we are not binded by bureaucracy. If we have any information, we will share it to the police," he said.

Badaruddin could not predict the time needed to trace the money of MCA. Firstly, PPATK would analyze MCA's financial transaction. He explained, if MCA is similar to Saracen network, it will takes one to two months to track the flow of fund. 

The fund will be a lot more easier to be traced if it was done through banking system. On the other hand, it will take longer time if it was cash transactions. "We will have to cooperate with other institution then," Badaruddin said.

Meanwhile, National Police continued to investigate other supporting evidences related to the spread of fake news case by Family Muslim Cyber Army (MCA) group. The investigators were searching for evidences through digital forensic.

"We also still tracking the possibility of other groups involvement in the case," said National Polices policy analysis head, Sulistyo Pudjo on Wednesday.

Earlier, the police have caught seven members of MCA.  

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