Rabu 14 Mar 2018 20:54 WIB

'2019 presidential election more interesting than 2014'

Many people look confident to advance in the 2019 presidential election.

Rep: Adinda Pryanka, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Charta Politica executive director Yunarto Wijaya
Foto: Antara
Charta Politica executive director Yunarto Wijaya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Charta Politica executive director Yunarto Wijaya predicted 2019 presidential election will be more interesting than previous election in 2014. He saw people with various background looked confident to advance in the arena, started from military, Islamic figure, until the son of a former president.

Nevertheless, Yunarto explained the most important factor for the voters would still be the candidate's leadership character. Voters would have some options, started from incumbent Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gerindra Party's chairman Prabowo Subianto, and Democratic Party politician who is also the son of former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

"Jokowi for example, tends to be different than political aristocrats, or leaders from the military such as Prabowo and AHY," said Yunarto on Tuesday (March 13).

Yunarto saw voters' behaviour changed since 2012 presidential election. People no longer choose the political nobilities. They prefered professionals and regional heads who have been successful.

Ridwan Kamil, Tri Rismaharini, Ganjar Pranowo to Sri Mulyani's name then emerged. "We will see in 2019, whether the people prefer a person who tends to be different than the political aristocracy or back to the previous trend," Yunarto said.

Meanwhile, political observer at Paramadina University, Toto Sugiarto said 2019 presidential election will be the season 2 of the next of 2014 presidential election. Despite many names emerging for competition, next year's election momentum will again center on two figures, Prabowo and Jokowi.

Toto assessed the 2019 presidential election will be a time for Jokowi to ensure that he remains worthy to be a leader. Meanwhile, for Prabowo, the election will be a moment to prove the current Indonesia's leader is not the right one. "So 2019 presidential election will be interesting," Toto said.

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