Jumat 18 May 2018 17:00 WIB

Anti-terror squad arrests one alleged terrorist in Bengkalis

Earlier, anti-terror squad has arrested eight alleged terrorists in Dumai.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Anti-terror squad (Densus 88) arrest suspected terrorist. (Illustration)
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Nyoman Budhiana
Anti-terror squad (Densus 88) arrest suspected terrorist. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- The police anti-terror squad has arrested an alleged terrorist in Rupat Island of Bengkalis district, following the arrest of eight alleged terrorists in Dumai, Riau. However, Riau Police Chief Inspector General Nandang did not elaborate further the identity of the alleged terrorist.

"The Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88) and Riau police are still investigating the case there (in Rupat Island)," he said here on Friday.

Rupat Island is part of Bengkalis district administration but geographically it is located close to Dumai City.

An information obtained by Antara said, the alleged terrorist known with its initial A was a 25 year-old mechanic.

Previously Riau police said it has arrested eight alleged terrorists from different locations in Dumai following the attack in Riau police headquarters on Wednesday.

The eight alleged terrorists namely HAR, NI, AS, SW, HD, YEP, DS, and SY alias IJ.

Most of the suspects has blood relation with the four suspects killed in the terror attack in Riau police headquarters namely Mursalim alias Pak Ngah (48), Adi Sufiyan (23), Suwardi (28), and Pogang (24).

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