Rabu 05 Sep 2018 18:32 WIB

BNPT collaborates with Youtubers to prevent radicalism

BNPT collaborates with 42 creators of creative content on Youtube channel.

Foto: EPA

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) is collaborating with Youtubers on prevention and counter-radicalization of the spread of radical terrorism on social media. BNPT Prevention Director Brigadier General Hamli made the statement when opening the Terrorism Prevention Meeting with Creator Content in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, which was attended by 42 creators of creative content on the Youtube channel.

"We hope the creativity of the Youtubers can invite and fortify the community, especially young people, from the spread of radicalism and terrorism on social media," Hamli said in a press release on Tuesday.

For four days from September 4 to 7, they will collaborate with the social media team of the Peace Media Center (PMD) of BNPT to equate perceptions in discussion forums and share the creation of creative video content that supports efforts to prevent radicalism and terrorism.

Also read: Govt to study new rules related radicalism at universities

"These younger brothers are expected to prevent terrorism through narration and video content and so on," said Hamli.

According to him, the potential threat of radicalism in Indonesia is very large because the country consists of various religions, tribes, races, and others. "The potential must continue to be reduced, and one of them is by distributing positive content on social media," he said.

Citing the results of the Wahid Foundation survey on the potential for radicalism, Hamli said 72 percent of Indonesians reject radicalism, 7.7 percent were willing to carry out radicalism, and 0.4 percent had carried out acts of radicalism and terrorism.

The involvement of these content makers is expected to reduce the results of the research. Moreover, before that the BNPT had also formed the World Peace Ambassador.

"Let us continue to multiply this 72 percent, and at the same time we influence 7.7 percent to be included in the 72 percent group. Remember that 7.7 percent is a lot, about 11 million people out of Indonesia's total population of 250 million," Hamli said.

Earlier, President Joko Widodo said here on Thursday that deradicalization efforts would continue to prevent radicalism from spreading further, including on campuses. Recent disclosures of activities linked to terrorism on university campuses had caused worries.

"Indeed radicalism did not emerge suddenly. It took a long process," he said when asked about the issue during a visit to Majasari village in Indramayu, West Java, June 8.

According to the President, as quoted by the presidential secretariat's deputy for protocol, press and media, Bey Machmudin, in a written statement, deradicalization efforts had so far been done by the government through the BNPT (the national counter-terrorism agency) and military or police actions.

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