Rabu 31 Oct 2018 19:45 WIB

BPPT ship finds indication of JT 610 black box signal

BPPT deploys ping locator to traack signal from Lion Air JT 610 black box.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Baruna Jaya I Research Ship of BPPT.
Foto: dok. BPPT
Baruna Jaya I Research Ship of BPPT.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA -- Baruna Jaya I Research Ship, owned by Assessment and Application of Technology Agency (BPPT) found indication of black box signal from Lion Air flight JT 610, which crashed in the waters of Karawang Regency, West Java. BPPT Marine Survey Technology (Teksurla), M Ilyas is optimistic the black box to be found.

“Insya Allah (God’s will) we find indication of black box signal based on the ping locator,” said Ilyas on Wednesday (Oct 31).

This morning, Ilyas said the ping locator tool to track signal from black box has been used. In addition, Baruna Jaya team was also using Ultra-Short Base Line tool (USBL) Transponder since early morning.

The black box signal tracker tool was dipped into the sea, as an additional effort to optimize search. Ilyas said USBL Transponder works similarly with the ping locator.

“We will maximize all the potential technology that exist in this Baruna Jaya I BPPT ship to track the black box,” Ilyas explained.

Meanwhile, according to Search and Rescue (SAR) Lion Air JT 610 operation team in Tanjung Karawang, Baruna Jaya I ship is still tracking the priority under water area. For the using of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV), it would be done after black box signal was found.

“ROV will be used after signal is found to get the visuals,” SAR Lion Air JT 610 operation team in Tanjung Karawang head Tris Handoyo.

During the search, Baruna Jaya I Research ship has also brought underwater mapping experts, ROV, instrumentation, and teams from National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT). The ship has been equipped with technology to identify its location and coordinates.

The technology tools such as Multibeam Echo Sounder, Side Scan Sonar, Magnetometer, and ROV. Baruna Jaya I Research ship is ready 24 hours a day to optimize the search of black box and plane wrecks.

Also read: Basarnas found coordinate point of Lion Air JT 610 body

Aircraft type B737-8 Max with Flight Number JT 610 owned by Lion Air was flying from Soekarno Hatta Airport in Banten to Depati Amir Airport in Pangkal Pinang and was reported to have lost contact on Oct 29 at around 06:33 WIB (Indonesia West Standard Time).

The aircraft, which bore the registration number PK-LQP, was reportedly last sighted on radar at coordinates 05 46.15 S - 107 07.16 E.

The aircraft departed at 06:10. WIB and was scheduled to arrive in Pangkal Pinang at 07.10 WIB. The plane had requested a return to base before finally disappearing from the radar.

National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has ensured that JT 610 Lion Air crashed in the waters of Karawang Regency, West Java. Victims of the aircraft crash will be evacuated to the East Jakarta Police Hospital.

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