Kamis 21 Jan 2016 15:54 WIB

What kind of heaven that you know? notes for the terrorists

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Asma Nadia
Foto: Republika/Daan
Asma Nadia


Hello the terrorists

Hello bombers

Hello brutal shooters

Hijackers, destroyers, criminals, and the other perpetrators of atrocities ..

I want to ask you.

Do you have religion?

Do you believe in God?

Do you feel that your self are God?

Do you feel your position are so high?

Hey you who become a propagator of terror, do you believe heaven is real?

You might only know about the heaven. You don't want to know about the hell. You always believe that whatever you do will guarantee heaven.

What kind of heaven that you know?  Do you think your heaven will give space for the people who hurt the others? If you said yes, it must be different from what i knew.

Heaven that i knew did not open the door for the killers. Because, heaven that i knew is equal to the heaven of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"Walk with the name of Allah SWT in his way and fight those who kufr. Don't mutilate, don't cheat, and never kill the children," (H.R Ahmad and Ibnu Majah).

Heaven that i knew, doesn't allow a human who kill another human with reckless ways. Heaven that i want is same as Abu Bakar, Umar, Utsman, Ali, and Prophet Muhammad SAW's friends. Before they start a war for Islam, they always give intructions not to kill women, children, and elder people.

Even, they don't want to burn palm trees and destroy any kind of buildings during the war. So, i would like to ask you one more time : is your heaven different than mine? Or you might have other prophet and he allows you to do act of terrorism?

If you want to be listened, if you want to revenge all the things that already happened, try to act like Prophet Muhammad SAW. Even, when he were suppressed by many people, he always tried to be patient.

As well as Mahatma Ghandi (leader of Indian independence movement) who fight the arbitrariness without violence. The principle of Mahatma Ghandi is also inspired Martin Luther King, in the fight for community rights to black Americans managed to achieve equality. One message from him, people should not provoked by violence.

Patience is the key to success. if you have religion, love your God and Prophet, you must stop the act of terrorism. Spread the love and kindness in this world.

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