Senin 07 Mar 2016 20:35 WIB

In order OIC not just 'oh I see...'

Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri


Formerly named Organization of Islamic Conference, now transformed into the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation. Both past and present for short stays the same, OIC or OKI in Indonesian. People often slang the abbreviation of OIC as 'Oh, I See'. This play on words of course is criticism of helplessness institutions that have been born since 1969.

At the time, a huge fire overrides the Masjid al-Aqsa. The culprit is a radical Jew. Muslims were furious. Moreover, the atmosphere of the time they were mourning. Arab fighters-the army of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan had just been defeated in the Six Day War (1967) against the Zionist Israeli occupation forces. As a result, some of the Arab region was annexed to Israel, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and the Golan Heights (Syria).

Leaders of Islamic countries (predominantly Muslim), including Indonesia, were gathered in Rabat, Morocco. They condemned the savagery of the Jews. ''Damaging al-Aqsa is an act that cannot be tolerated.''

They deserve wrath. For Muslims, the al-Aqsa is the third holiest site after the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque. Al-Aqsa is the first qibla. Also from the al-Aqsa the Prophet Muhammad raised (mikraj) by Allah Almighty to the skies into Sidrat al-Muntaha. There he received a direct order from Allah to perform the five daily prayers which later also compulsory for all Muslims.

In a meeting in Rabat, leaders of Islam and agreed to establish the OIC. September 25, 1969. Interest was proclaimed noble. Among others: to protect the holy places of Islam, fighting for the independence of the Palestinian people, and expel the Israeli occupation of Arab lands. Next, increase solidarity among Islamic countries.

In short, the establishment of OIC intended as "the voice of the Islamic world in maintaining and protecting the interests of the people". Also to "create peace and harmony of the international community, particularly in Islamic countries themselves".

However, what happens next? From year to year and from conference to conference outcome much the same. OKI seems just "oh, I see," or just as the audience for what has happened Islamic countries. At best, the summit only spawn declarations and declarations, condemnation and condemnation, as well as the statements war.

Look, Israel more freely to do anything against al-Aqsa. From prohibiting Muslims from praying in it, damaging parts of the mosque, make music concerts right when the time of prayer, to give freedom to the Jews to enter the mosque that first qibla for muslims. Also change the Islamic character and Arabian character in areas of Jerusalem with the Jewish identity.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians also much the same. Independence is getting far and far away. World also seemed ignorant to the fate of the Palestinians. Even, the leaders of Arab and Islam itself also seems no longer care.

Now, for two days since yesterday, the OIC held the summit in Jakarta. Indonesia has prepared itself as a good host for the meeting of leaders of muslim countries, known as "extraordinary". That is, the OIC summit this time is very very important!

The main agenda for the independence of the Palestinian people as soon as possible. The territory, borders prior to the Six Day War (1967). The solution, two states living side by side: the Palestinians and Israel. Other agenda, protect al-Aqsa from the Zionist barbaric acts.

Which is often forgotten, the independence struggle of the Palestinian people can not stand alone. He was greatly influenced by the conditions in the Middle East. Meanwhile, countries in the Middle East is now being torn apart by divisions, conflict, fight for influence, and poor relationships between countries. And the appearance of radical groups and terrorists. Even the world of Islam is now being confused with a terrorist group that has successfully established a state in Iraq and Syria. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria its name, ISIS abbreviations.

The uproar in the Middle East region was evident when they are not one word in crushing the movement of terrorist groups. Look, the initiative of Saudi Arabia who want to form a military coalition of Islamic countries to quell ISIS received even less fanfare.

Also in helping the Palestinian cause. Conflict, struggle for influence, and factional bastions, has dragged the Palestinian internal divisions. There is a faction Fatah, Hamas faction, and other small groups. Each group was "man's land" on a particular country or countries stronghold.

In the middle of stom in the Middle East, Indonesia elected as the host of the OIC summit would be very appropriate. Indonesia is a neutral country that has good relations with all countries in the Middle East region. Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the universe. Indonesia is the third largest democracy in the world and, therefore, worthy of being an example of democracy for Islamic countries.

Indonesia is the originator of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung. The conference, which later inspired the countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to liberate themselves from the colonizers. Indonesia is a founder of the Non-Block Movement, to compensate for the West Block with Eastern Block that have divided the countries in the world during the Cold War.

Indonesia is a good example in the case over the generations. When the people of Indonesia rejected the leadership of President Suharto, he was willing to resign. He then handed the scepter in a peaceful transition. Compare with the regime of President Bashar Assad that persistent retain power even though it has resulted in bloody conflicts among its own people.

Indonesia is a champion of peace in Southeast Asia. Thanks to the initiative and influence Indonesia, forming what is called the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Association of Southeast Asian Nations / ASEAN). It used to only five members, now has grown to 10 countries. Indonesia's top big role, it is not surprising therefore that this country earned the nickname as the "older brother" in the ASEAN countries.

Now Southeast Asia is one of the most peaceful region in the world. The economy was growing among countries in other regions. In fact, religious, tribal and ethnic majorities in each of these 10 different countries. Of the majority of Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and others up. Compare with countries in the Middle East is predominantly Muslim but just fighting all the time.

With such a huge capital, the Indonesian free and active foreign policy should play a big role in solving  problems in the OIC, especially fighting for the independence of the Palestinian people and protect al-Aqsa from Zionist barbarity.

It is time for the leaders of Indonesia-President and his staff- perform capabilities of diplomacy and dignity of this country. Show that your leadership is not inferior compared to our previous leaders.

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