Kamis 28 Nov 2013 17:11 WIB

Learning tolerance at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Jakarta

Kampus Universitas Katolik Atmajaya Jakarta
Foto: Atmajaya
Kampus Universitas Katolik Atmajaya Jakarta

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- In the academic area, all students in Atma Jaya Jakarta are compulsory to be enrolled for one of general subjects; that is Catholic Religious Education.

Hearing the word 'Catholic University' possibly, public will justify that the university is only open for particular religious affiliation students.

This opinion is generally originated from some element toward Catholic University (Unika) Atma Jaya.

Atma Jaya Catholic University was established on June 1, 1960 by Catholic scholars, one of them was Drs. FX Frans Seda.

When entering the Hall in building C (one of the largest hall at the university), we would be welcome by the statue of Jesus Christ embedded in the wall of the hall.

Religious impression was immediately comes to our mind about the statue. It might be, for a Catholic believer, it was a normal thing, but what about those who are not Catholics?

In this case perhaps the most cliché quote like "Do not judge the book by its cover" is one of the most appropriate words to describe Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta.

If we look more closely, Atma Jaya is more than just a Catholic University.

For those from other faiths, such as Islam, there is no specific regulation that binds particular religious believers.

One example is, if we get a class schedule that coincided with Friday prayers. We are allowed to leave the class to perform the Friday prayers. This will not affect the academic assessment in these courses.

To schedule praying five times a day, the Atma Jaya has provided a dedicated space to conduct the worship at 8th Floor Building C.

Inside the room, we are facilitated with equipment such as gloves prayers (for men) and 'mukena' (for women).

The level of religious tolerance at Atma Jaya is high. There is no discrimination against other religions, Islam, Protestant, or Hindu.

Everybody is treated equally in accordance with the applicable regulations.

In the academic area, all students in Atma Jaya Jakarta are compulsory to be enrolled for one of general subjects; that is Catholic Religious Education.

Knowing that we are non-Catholic follower, perhaps we would feel to be 'Christianized'.

Yet it is precisely would be different if we were in that class. Once the class begin, professors will ask one student to lead the prayers, and the pray will be done according to each student beliefs.

How about the subject learned? The provided material was about the Catholic faith, but students will not be indoctrinated by the assigned material because the material is just like a general nature of teachings - like teachings in other religions.

Even the professor will provide an open forum for students of other faiths to exchange ideas about religion.

This discussion forum further indicates the level of religious tolerance at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta.

Registered at Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta is not like what people are talking about it a lot.

Negative perceptions such as the difficulty of adapting with other students, Christianization issues and other things are very hard to find.

All students' facilities accessed by the Catholic students can also be easily accessed by students of other faiths.

All students are treated fairly regardless of their beliefs. Perhaps, there are doubts in the minds of many people about the 'diversity in being treated equally' at Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta. To understand it, try to get closer to Unika, and so we could learn more about it.

Atma Jaya Catholic University is just like other university, which an emphasis on its academic quality without discrimination.


Author: Alcander Alonzo, Unika Atma Jaya Student, Faculty of Communication.

Ed: M Irwan Ariefyanto

sumber : Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta-ROL/ROL to Campus
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