Senin 09 May 2016 21:29 WIB

The Maritime Security Cooperation among the Armed Forces of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to confront the hijacking on the Sea of Sulu

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Soedibyo*)


After the release of ten Indonesian hostages comprise of sailors and workers  by the Abu Sayayah group,  based on the instruction of President Jokowi the Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi  held a trilateral meeting, namely with the Foreign Minister of Malaysia and the Foreign Minister of the Philippines,  in Yogyakarta  . The meeting is intended to discuss the idea of President Jokowi to strengthen the existing Maritime Security Cooperation among those three countries with conducting the Navy Patrol to safe guard the sea lane for the trade cooperation and the civilian transportation ship among those three countries on the Sea of Sulu.  Those three Foreign Ministers supported by their respective Armed Forces Commander agreed with the idea and now those three Armed Forces Commander are busy to deliberate the agreement into the detail Standard Operating Procedure concerns.

The Assessment :