Selasa 19 Jul 2016 12:33 WIB

Internationalization of Papua issue still quite intensive

Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Almira Fadillah*)

Papua has become an integral part of the independent Indonesia since the meeting of Indonesian Independence Preparation Committee (PPKI) on 18 August 1945, one day after Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed the independence of the country on 17 August 1945. Papua is, in general, rich of biodiversity and natural resources, and also cultures and languages coming from various tribes. Besides, in geopolitical perspective, Papua is bordering with economically potential countries such as the Philippines in the North lying up to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Pacific Islands, and American Continent in Far East. In the South, it borders with Australia. Given this strategic position and natural resources potential, Papua is an interesting place for investment to develop the region.

However, the reality portrays otherwise. Papua has not developed fully due to its social and security situation that is unstable because of the development of separatist movement motored by West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and Papuan College Student Alliance (AMP). Both are supporting United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) to be the full member of Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).

The Indonesian government couple months ago was shocked by the maneuver of ULMWP. This group wanted to be the member of MSG in which the membership would be discussed in London on May, 3, 2016.

Given this situation, it is clear that the move to internationalize the Papua issue is still quite intensively conducted by some elements of the pro Papua’s independence at home and abroad. Another organization is the National Parliament of West Papua (PNWP). Through its chair, Buchtar Tabuni, it intensively spreads propaganda especially via social media. The propaganda contains such as that the MSG Summit on 14 July 2016 in Honiara has a strategic value and is beneficial to assert the dignity and self-esteem of the Papuan. It further says that on that day, the representatives of the Papuan, ULMWP, will become a full member of MSG meaning that the Papuan as a nation has been acknowledged to be similar with other nation in Melanesia.

This Tabuni’s statement implicitly shows that there is an indirect support from the international community. In spite of the indication of western countries to support the Pro Papuan independence group, the Papua issues are also often politicized by some circles in Papua itself such as what happened in an event held in Jayapura that criticized the formation of a team to investigate the human rights abuse in Papua by the government.

Many circles wrongly interpret the statement of President Jokowi that the settlement of human rights abuse in the past may not create new problems in the future. This implies that there should not be any politicization and internationalization of the issues.

Apparently, according to a statement from a spokesman of one of NGOs in Papua, some foreign parties were involved in monitoring the human rights abuse in Papua (Australia). This made the settlement in accordance with Act no.26 hard to accomplish. The statement suggested that the Papua issues are now concentrating in South Pacific, thus the Indonesian Government manages to get the influence to the South Pacific countries. This statement vaguely explained that there is foreign subversion in Papua issues that worked through its compadres in Papua.

What I want to imply from this short study is that the skepticism of some NGOs towards the government –established team for human rights abuse settlement clearly indicates the involvement of foreign interests. In fact, there have been some capable Papuans being selected to be in the team. Therefore, rather that holding protests, the people of Papua can deliver the aspiration as well as give some inputs and data regarding human rights issues in Papua to the Papuan figures in the team instead of holding protests or internationalizing the issues abroad which in turn will be played by western as some conditions to repress the Government of Indonesia in the diplomacy.

Rejection from Pro-NKRI Groups

The intensifying activities of KNPB and AMP in campaigning the independence of Papua received some negative responses from pro-NKRI groups such as the Secretary of Barisan Merah Putih (BMP) and Barisan Rakyat Pembela NKRI (Bara NKRI). The two groups firmly demands the law enforcer to execute KNPB that is considered having ruined the order of the nation life and broken the unity and integrity of Papua in the frame of NKRI.

In their assessment, groups like KNPB and AMP do not understand the Pancasila and Constitution of 1945. Besides, their actions might also create reciprocal actions from the groups who love NKRI, for instance, there were thousands of Jayapura people (using 13 trucks, dozens minibus, and motorbikes) that gathered themselves in Bara NKRI. It consists of many people from different backgrounds, various ethnics and religions, all protested and rejected the existence of anti-Indonesia groups in Lapangan Trikora Abepura, Jayapura, Papua on June, 2, 2016.

Papua is a part of Indonesia. This must be comprehended by the people. The plurality of Indonesia must become a strengthening factor that unite us. The lack of understanding and weak implementation of “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” “(Unity in Diversity) have separated our people into ethnic and religion based groups. This situation is not in accordance with what our founding fathers dreamt when they created NKRI.

As a sovereign state, all people of Indonesia must join hands to maintain the unity and integrity as well as the prosperity of Indonesia, not acting otherwise, ruining the unity of NKRI. Such things will only create negative impact that eventually disrupt the development in social and economic aspects locally. Currently, the independence issue campaigned by KNPB and AMP not only triggered rejection towards their movements but also has created negative stigma from the society to the groups that may lead to spontaneous actions to corner both groups.

The people should not worsen the situation with the “independence issues”, instead, we must more concern about how to monitor and support the development in Papua in order to actualize an optimum development that will lift up economic condition and the welfare of local people.

*) A Graduate Student of Gunadharma University Jakarta

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