Jumat 22 Jul 2016 17:14 WIB

Assessment on the development of Papuan issue

Foto: Anang Budiiono/Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Otjih Sewandarijatun *)

Just for the Reference of the urgent sacred mission for the Government of The Republic of Indonesia concerning the Papuan Problems, bellow are a number of facts  recorded in last two months in Papua.

Earlier, in the District of Lanny Jaya, the Highest  Commander of Papua Freedom Movement (OPM) said, that it will not definitely take part in the Regional Election of 2017. OPM is struggling for the independence of Papua through the Referendum of Papua.

The Papuan analysts are predicting OPM is likely wants to change its performance and image to struggle for the independence of Papua from the character as the armed insurgence into the political power of Papua to fight internationally for the Referendum of Papua held by the United Nations.

Calling the intervention of the United Nation is clearly they wish the implementation of Referendum as it was done in East Timor some years ago, and campaigning  that there was mistaken understanding to the past history on the integration of Papua to The Republic of Indonesia in 1969. However this attitude is just indicating their manipulation to the history of Papua or they do not know exactly the history of the Papuan Self Determination Process done by the United Nations in Papua in 1969.

Based on this analysis it is apparently important the Program of The  Campaign of Re-viewing the History of Papua,  among the Papuan new generation such as to put the subject on the History of Papua to be  included in the curriculum of the High School and University in Papua and short course among the mass organization to understand the History of Papua is compulsory.  

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal, Human Right and Security Affairs, Lieut. General (ret) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that that it was confirmed  The Conference of MSG in Solomon has rejected ULMWP’s appeal to become the full member of MSG. According to  Luhut the MSG’s decision constitutes the better political position of The Republic of Indonesia internationally  because it will be considered  by the United Nations as the realistic  indication of the attitude of the Melanesian Countries in the South Pacific on Papuan issue.

This international achievement gained by the Republic of Indonesia in the South Pacific forum  is the achievement of strong diplomatic effort by the Government of the Republic of  Indonesia  integrally, Luhut added to his announcement. Luhut visited Fiji a view months ago  to check the  TNI Engineer unit sent to this country to help the Government of Fiji coping with the natural disaster took place in the country.

Some observers consider as if Luhut also said that  all of the  Indonesian patriot will defend Papua as the regional part of The Republic of Indonesia, until the last drop of their blood. Papua will be remain as the  regional part of the Great Country of Indonesia forever, Minister of Indonesian Foreign Affairs, madame Retno said.

The Foreign Ministry of Indonesia has successful  to convince the MSG leadership to reject the ULMWP  request to become the full member of MSG, while to respect the role of MSG the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will convey her diplomatic request to become the full member of MSG.

The rejection of MSG against ULMWP’s appeal  to become the full member of MSG has been clearly the political position of all the Melanesian States of the South Pacific.

Minister of Foreign Affair of The Republic of Indonesia  also said the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has worked hard to develop  the Papua and the Government of The Republic of Indonesia  will increase to do so in the coming days.

MSG is international  cooperation in the South Pacific among the Melanesian States  to develop those  respective countries  in all aspect of their life based on the similar culture as the Melanesian. The Republic of Indonesia became The Associate Member of MSG in the Summit of MSG in 2015 held in Solomon after the status of Observer for several years before and now The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is  considering  to convey the request to become the full member of the MSG.

What is resulted with the blow  on the  activities of ULMWP, KNPB and the Papuan people the supporter of OPM  who are  dreaming ULMWP will become the full member  of MSG has been definitely the strategic defeat of OPM and the Strategic winning of The Republic of Indonesia with a number of risk that should be seriously  fulfilled by the Government of Indonesia.

Now it is the time  for  the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta to seriously work to finish the Reformed Bill on The Special  Autonomy of Papua as the main basis   to develop Papua constitutionally to become the peaceful, in full justice, prosperous and modern  regional area of the Great Country of Indonesia.

The Government of The Republic of Indonesia apparently has a hard mission to convince  the Papuan that the effort of OPM to win the objective has failed and the Papuan should be ready to understand completely and correctly the history of Papua. And aside  of that The Government of Indonesia should seriously fulfill the  target of development program as designed in the Reformed Bill on the Development Program of Papua as the implementation of the Special Autonomy of Papua.

Off course the defeat of OPM in MSG and the delete of the Idea of  Referendum of Papua conducted by the United Nations recently does not guarantee it  will never  emerge again except  if the Papuan People forgetting the idea  of  Referendum and raise  the consciousness  question:  Will the Referendum bring Papua to be  better condition than if Papua is permanently integrated in the Republic of Indonesia.

To this consciousness question the Republic of Indonesia should answer with dignity: Yes,  as a regional part of the Republic of Indonesia, Papuan will reach their goal to live peacefully in full justice,  prosperous and modern area  as guided by the National Philosophy of Pancasila.

*) The author is the alumni of Udayana University, Bali. Former Director of Mass Communication at Lembaga Analisa Politik dan Demokrasi, Jakarta.

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Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila kamu hendak melaksanakan salat, maka basuhlah wajahmu dan tanganmu sampai ke siku, dan sapulah kepalamu dan (basuh) kedua kakimu sampai ke kedua mata kaki. Jika kamu junub, maka mandilah. Dan jika kamu sakit atau dalam perjalanan atau kembali dari tempat buang air (kakus) atau menyentuh perempuan, maka jika kamu tidak memperoleh air, maka bertayamumlah dengan debu yang baik (suci); usaplah wajahmu dan tanganmu dengan (debu) itu. Allah tidak ingin menyulitkan kamu, tetapi Dia hendak membersihkan kamu dan menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya bagimu, agar kamu bersyukur.

(QS. Al-Ma'idah ayat 6)

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